______________________ LATE ARRIVALS ______________________ ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL ______________________ EMERGENCY CLOSINGS ______________________ BIRTHDAYS ______________________ PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES ______________________ LUNCHES & SNACKS ______________________ MEDICAL GUIDELINES ______________________ HEALTH & SAFETY ______________________ MEDICATION POLICY ______________________ CHANGE OF ADDRESS ______________________ DISCIPLINE POLICY |
Lunches & Snacks
Hot lunches are available Monday through Friday through local catering. A meal package is available at a cost of $3.75 and is payable monthly in advance. The lunch program is available on a monthly basis only. Should you sign up for monthly lunches and choose not to continue, please notify the front office by the 24th of the month... Lunch fees are non refundable. NO changes will be made after the 1st of each month. NO EXCEPTIONS. The children will be eating “family style” in the round building. Children have the option of bringing a lunch from home; please be sure it is a well-rounded meal. Nutritious snacks are provided daily for the children.
Concordia Childrens Cafe (CCC) Examples of food items served: Main Course: